Ok, so I had my first major food allergy mistake. I feel terrible to have made this mistake but it is part of our food allergy journey, and I will share it!
The story began by my discovery of, what I thought was, a vegan cheese. I was so excited to have found a cheese replacement for Micah for a couple of reasons; one, for calcium and two for variety. It's been slim pickins and cheese opens a whole world of options. So, I made my way to the tofu section, made an assumption that because the cheese was in said location, it would magically be vegan and brought it home. Well, a face of hives, swollen eye, itchiness, dose of claratin and trip to the dr. assured me my assumption was off base. The picture on the left was the purchased cheese, it is lactose free but is not dairy free. The list of ingredients clearly lists 'casein' as an ingredient, which had I read the label, I would have detected. ugh. I felt terrible to have done this to Micah and frustrated because our menu was limited again. Until... last night! (I have to beef up this story a little with some suspense, bold type and exclamation marks. how exciting can a blog about 'cheese choice' be?!) so yes... drum roll... last night, Andrew and I headed over to our local natural food store and found what I had been looking for all along, same brand of 'cheese' only in a truly vegan variety. So, my allergy friends, pizza and grilled cheese are to be had again in this house. Micah's morning snack went without a hitch, thanks to a slice, and I can rest knowing he had some added calcium in his little diet. Whew, that was exciting! :)
So, with my tail between my legs, I am ending this post. As a thank you for bearing with me, here is a coupon link for Galaxy Foods. (as I only have two followers at time of post, one being myself, I am clearly not endorsing these products for any gain lol) Goodnight!
Can you tell me more about the taste and consistency of this cheese? We are suffering from lack of cheese, since before now I cooked with cheese in EVERYTHING.